Machu Picchu - Perú |
Unlike other cities, structures, which have been crushed by the Spanish army, hundreds of years ago, the of Machu Picchu has survived and vividly reflects today, how technically evolved the Incas really were. Machu Picchu was built by great specialists, experienced constructors with high levels of knowledge. Unique and evolved technology was used to build a complex of hundreds buildings on top of a high mountain, with an irrigation system that still functions today, its astronomic observatories and other wonders. Most of the planning and construction techniques still remain a mystery to us. The city, deep in the Urubamba Jungle, high in the Andes is a unique treasure of our planet. Today, it has been well restored and can be visited by anyone, offering a dreamlike beautiful view. Almost half a million tourists visit Machu Picchu each year, meaning that it's not as remote as it once was... You too can travel there and explore!.
The buildings, the irrigation system, the terraces, the stones (especially the famous Intihuatana stone) all have their secrets waiting to be revealed. Part of the construction techniques used to build the city have been discovered. However, many important aspects still remain unknown, for instance: how the massive stone blocks were cut and raised to be put in place to form well designed structures (mainly walls and houses). About the construction and the various structures, stone objects that exist in and around the ancient city, you can read on our "Construction Of Machu Picchu" section. Visiting Machu Picchu, travelling to Peru Visit Machu Picchu, plan your trip with our help! It can be very easy, you'll important information and advice under our "Getting there" section. All info is free and easy to access! You'll never find better resources for Machu Picchu & Peru travel planning than those here! Simply check our getting there section and find out more about how you can travel to Peru and reach the ruins. Also gather important information about the region under the "Peru & the Andes" section. There you'll find details of just about anything that's in and around Peru. Find out about languages, culture, demographic data, economy, obtain useful travel advices, attractions (others than Machu Picchu) and much more! Attractions along the Inca Trail, in the Urubamba Valley and other parts of Peru
The Urubamba Valley, also referred to as "The Sacred Valley Of The Incas" has towns, villages scattered in and around it, worth visiting for the foreign tourist! Among the towns, villages that are often visited by travelers, are: Ollantaytambo, Cusco, Yucay, Pisac, Urubamba. Machu Picchu is a "must see" in Peru, but there are dozens of other locations that'll astonish you. Among them, you'll find the Nazca lines, the Titicaca Lake, the capital Lima, the city of Cusco, the ruins if Ollantaytambo and Vilcabamba and many other destinations! The Inca civilization The Incas were South America's largest civilization, before the Spanish conquest. Even though the Spanish army has erased most of what the Incas have constructed, ruins and intact buildings still exist, reflecting the high degree of knowledge that this ancient civilization has had. The Incas did not write. Yet, their colourful legends, myths are still alive and much of their infrastructure (like the Inca Trail), the Inca agricultural terraces and irrigation system still exist today. Remarkably, many watering systems are still functioning today! Under our Inca civilization section, you can find articles covering a wide variety of heritage and culture-related issues. The dreamlike lost city Machu Picchu, the "Old Mountain" guarding the skyline above the Urubamba Valley is not just an archaeological site. It's much more. Spectacular unique views of the beautiful Andes, surrounding the region, of the Urubamba Jungle below... Often, the nearby mountains are "swimming" in clouds, partially covered by myst, adding more to the mystery and the beauty of the ancient Inca city... Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda once wrote: "Machu Picchu es un viaje a la serenidad del alma, a la eterna fusión con el cosmos, allí sentimos nuestra fragilidad. Es una de las maravillas más grandes de Sudamérica. Un reposar de mariposas en el epicentro del gran círculo de la vida. Otro milagro más." ...its meaning in English is: "Machu Picchu is a trip to the serenity of the soul, to eternal fusion with the cosmos, there we feel our own fragility. It is one of the greatest marvels of South America. A resting place of butterflies at the epicenter of the great circle of life. Another miracle." The place is special indeed, only those who have wandered on top of the mountain can experience the unique feelings generated by the beautiful view. Setting your foot into Machu Picchu can be a dreamlike trip back into the past. Source: RediscoveryMachuPicchu
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