Kingston - Jamaica |
JAMAICA | |||||||||||||||||||||
Tourist sites such as Fort Henry and Bellevue House (the home of Canada's first Prime Minister, Sir John A MacDonald), give Kingston its historic character. The city's fine recreational and shopping facilities make a very comfortable and enjoyable place to study. Accessibility in Kingston is a major advantage to students - you can reach Kingston by air, rail, bus or even boat! The bus station, train station, or airport are all located at a reasonable distance from campus. Within Kingston, students often use their free bus passes, the excellent taxi system, bicycles, in-line skates and - most often - their feet. And since Kingston is located so close to Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto, it is quite possible to go to one of these places for a quick day trip. Greater Kingston is a safe, clean city and was recently voted one of the best communities in which to live in Canada by the Report on Business, Chatelaine, and the Imperial Oil Review. Queen's engineering students have always been an influential part of the Kingston community. Whether raising money for local charities or doing "odd jobs" during frosh week, the Engineering Society is always willing to help out. A good source of general information about life in Kingston and the local attractions can be found on the community section of the Queen's University web site.
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